SD Output

Where the hardware is supported, ESPGeiger is able to output information to a SD Card attached via SPI to the ESP MCU.

Please note at this time only the ESPGeiger Log hardware is supported, a Micro SD Card slot is included on the hardware board.

Output to CSV files are written to a subdirectory of the SDCard, following the following format:


Files on the SDCard are written to every minute, giving the average values for the last minute.

A SD Card of 4-8GB is recommended - an SD Card of 2GB should give enough capacity for ~20 years of minutely CSV information.

NTP synchronisation is required to write to the SD Card. Writing to the file takes place once per minute.

(Micro) SD Card Compatibility

During testing most SDCards are compatible, however it seems some Micro SDCards simply do not support the SPI interface. If you find an SD Card which is not supported, please try another, after double checking your wiring.

During initialisation of ESPGeiger the size and free space of the SD Card is calculated - the larger the SD Card, the longer this takes.

A SD Card of up to 16GB usually takes < 2 seconds to initialise.

CSV Format

Datetime, CPM, μSv/h, CPM5, CPM15
Value Description Example Value
Datetime Current datetime. 2023-12-23T01:23:45
CPM Current Counts Per Minute (CPM) value. 30.0
uSv Current micro Sieverts per hour (μSv) value. 0.10
CPM5 Average CPM over the last 5 minutes. 30.0
CPM15 Average CPM over the last 15 minutes. 30.0