
There are a number of configuration options available through the ESPGeiger portal.

Hardware Settings

Setting name Value Range Default Description
Model String 0..32 (varies) Model name of the ESPGeiger
Ratio for calculating μSv Float 0..10000 151.0 Ratio used internally for calculating μSv
Warning CPM Int 50 CPM Value to trigger Warning state
Alert CPM Int 100 CPM Value to trigger Alert state
Display timeout Int 0..65535 300 Timeout for OLED display (Only for builds with OLED display)
Neopixel Brightness Int 0..100 10 % Brightness for NeoPixel - 0 disables (Only for builds with Neopixel, note too low a value can cause colours to be inaccurate)

MQTT Configuration

Setting name Value Range Default Description
IP String 0..32 null The IP address of the MQTT server
Port Int 0..65535 1883 The port of the MQTT server
User String 0..32 null The username used to connect to MQTT
Password String 0..32 null The password used to connect to MQTT
Root Topic String 0..32 ESPGeiger-{id} The root topic for MQTT. {id} is interpolated to the devices’ ID.
Submit Time (s) Int 5-3600 60 Interval in seconds to post /stat topic values

HA Autodiscovery Configuration

Setting name Value Range Default Description
Send Boolean True Invoke Homeassistant Autodiscovery on MQTT connection
Discovery Topic String 0..32 homeassistant Homeassistant Autodiscovery MQTT topic Configuration

Setting name Value Range Default Description
Send Boolean True Send data to
Username String 0..32 null username
Password String 0..32 null password

Thingspeak Configuration

Setting name Value Range Default Description
Send Boolean True Send data to Thingspeak
Channel Key String 0..32 null Channel key for Thingspeak

GMC Configuration

Setting name Value Range Default Description
Send Boolean True Send data to GMC
Account ID String 0..32 null Account ID
Geiger Counter ID String 0..32 null Geiger Counter ID

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