Build Targets

Builds for both general ESP8266 and ESP32 boards are built automatically by GitHub on Release.

The latest release can always be found here.

Builds for a number of target counters are available.


The pulse Geiger counter target is the widest compatible target. This is used for all Pulse type Geiger counters. A list of compatible and tested Pulse counters cant be found under the hardware section.

Target Name Target Counter Notes
pulse Pulse ESP32 builds default to using built in hardware PCNT counter
pulse_no_pcnt Pulse ESP32-only build disabling PCNT


Numerous serial Geiger target builds are made, one for each of the following target serial counters -

Target Name Target Counter Notes
gc10 GC10  
gc10next GC10-next  
mightyohm Mighty Ohm  

Hardware Specific Builds

A number of hardware specific builds are also made to support ESPGeiger-HW and ESPGeiger Log devices.

Target Name Target Counter Counter Type Notes
espgeigerhw ESPGeiger‑HW Pulse Build for the ESPGeiger-HW Geiger Counter. Controls PWM for HV along with other specifics for hardware.
espgeigerlog ESPGeiger Log Pulse A pulse based build for the ESPGeiger Log hardware with NeoPixel and SDCard output.
espgeigerlog_gc10 ESPGeiger Log Serial (GC10) A GC10 serial based build for the ESPGeiger Log hardware with NeoPixel and SDCard output.
espgeigerlog_gc10next ESPGeiger Log Serial (GC10next) A GC10next serial based build for the ESPGeiger Log hardware with NeoPixel and SDCard output.
espgeigerlog_mightyohm ESPGeiger Log Serial (Mighty Ohm) A Mighty Ohm serial based build for the ESPGeiger Log hardware with NeoPixel and SDCard output.


Test builds can be used to emulate a Geiger counter with your board. You can connect the ESPGeiger RXPIN and TXPIN together, or connect one ESPGeiger TXPIN to the RXPIN on another ESPGeiger.

Note: No values are submitted to public services with Test builds.

By default the Test output cycles through several ranges of reading, switching each 5 minute period:

  • 0.5 CPS / 30 CPM
  • 1 CPS / 60 CPM
  • 1.66 CPS / 100 CPM
  • 2 CPS / 120 CPM
Target Name Target Counter Notes
test n/a Internal interrupt based counter. No output, mostly for testing the Counter.h functionality.
testpulse Pulse Test build which outputs a Poisson distributed pulse on the TXPIN
testpulsepwm Pulse Test build which outputs a interrupt generated pulse on the TXPIN
testgc10 GC10 Test build which outputs an emulated GC10 serial based Geiger counter on the TXPIN
testmightyohm Mighty Ohm Test build which outputs an emulated Mighty Ohm serial based Geiger counter on the TXPIN

Test Build Options

Hardware Specific Test Builds

Target Name Target Counter Counter Type Notes
espgeigerlog_test ESPGeiger Log n/a A test build for the ESPGeiger Log hardware. Internal interrupt based counter. No output, mostly for testing the ESPGeiger Log functionality.
espgeigerlog_testpulse ESPGeiger Log Pulse A test build for the ESPGeiger Log hardware. Test build which outputs a pulse on the PLS pin.