Quick Install Guide

Below is the quick overview of installing ESPGeiger, for more detailed information, please visit the sub pages.


  • PC (Mac/Windows) with Chrome or Edge
  • ESP8266 or ESP32 development board
  • A pulse or compatible serial based Geiger Counter
  • Dupont/jumper wires



Firmware Install

The easiest way to install ESPGeiger is to visit the web based installed in your Chrome or Edge browser:

  1. Visit https://install.espgeiger.com and follow the instructions to install the latest firmware.
    • Select your Geiger Counter type from the dropdown list - in most cases this is “Pulse”
    • Installation takes up to two minutes
    • Once installed your ESP device will create its own Wi-Fi network with the name in the format of “ESPGeiger-XXXXXX
    • The status LED of the ESP will be lit once installation has completed.
    • For ESPGeiger-HW firmware and ESPGeiger Log firmware you can follow these links directly.


  1. On your phone or computer, connect to to the new Wi-Fi network (ESPGeiger-XXXXXX)
    • A configuration web page should appear once connected, if not browse to
    • Make a note of the name of the ESPGeiger (ESPGeiger-XXXXXX) - we will need this soon.
  2. Configure ESPGeiger to connect to your home Wi-Fi network
    • Once connected the status LED of the ESP will go out
  3. Browse to http://ESPGeiger-XXXXXX.local (replace XXXXXX with the ID of your ESPGeiger)
    • Once connected to your home network you can now connect to ESPGeiger using the IP address assigned by your router or http://ESPGeiger-XXXXXX.local

Congratulations! 🎉 ESPGeiger is installed

Hardware connection

Note: By default the RXPIN for ESPGeiger is set to GPIO13 - this can be changed from the Web Portal.

  • Connect the Pulse Output of the Geiger Counter to GPIO13 (D7 on a Wemos D1 Mini)
  • Connect the GND of the Geiger Counter to GND

A flashing/”blipping” status LED on the ESP device visually confirms that ESPGeiger is receiving readings from your Geiger counter.

Specific instructions and diagrams for connecting ESPGeiger to a variety of different Geiger counters can be found here.

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