Neopixel Output

The NeoPixel output for ESPGeiger gives intuitive feedback to the user by means of color and frequency.

The brightness of the NeoPixel can be configured through the Web interface configuration section. Setting to a value of 0 disables the NeoPixel output.

Color and Frequency

The frequency of flash is calculated by the ratio of the current CPM value to the current CPM5 value. As the CPM value increases the frequency of the Neopixel flash increases.

The Neopixel flashes in 4 preset colours, depending on the current environment status.

If the threshold is -

  • No readings, the Neopixel state is set to BLUE
  • Below the WARNING and ALARM thresholds the Neopixel state is set to GREEN
  • Above the WARNING threshold, the Neopixel is state is set to AMBER
  • Above the ALERT threshold, the Neopixel is state is set to RED