Home Assistant MQTT Discovery


ESPGeiger automatically integrates into Home Assistant through the use of the MQTT Discovery functions of Home Assistant. This requires ESPGeiger and Home Assistant to be configured to use the same MQTT broker.

Within Home Assistant MQTT discovery is enabled by default. The default prefix for the discovery topic is homeassistant. For information on how to change this in Home Assistant, please see the Home Assistant Documentation for discovery options.

The MQTT discovery topic can be adjusted within the ESPGeiger Config pages.

A number of entities are published to the MQTT auto discovery topic, these are detailed below:

Value Description Example Value Publish Interval
ESPGeiger⁠-⁠<device_id> CPM Current Counts Per Minute (CPM) value. 30.0 60
ESPGeiger⁠-⁠<device_id> CPM5 Average CPM over the last 5 minutes. 30.0 60
ESPGeiger⁠-⁠<device_id> CPM15 Average CPM over the last 15 minutes. 30.0 60
ESPGeiger⁠-⁠<device_id> uSv Current microSieverts per hour (μSv) value. 0.10 60
ESPGeiger⁠-⁠<device_id> HV Current HV circuit value - ESPGeigerHW only. 400.1 60

Domoticz Autodiscovery

From Stable 2022.1 Domoticz MQTT supports Home assistant MQTT Discovery

The Domoticz Autodiscovery Client Gateway is compatible with HomeAssistant autodiscovery. For more information see the Domoticz wiki