Cajoe GC-ESP32 - IoT Geiger Counter

Cajoe GC-ESP32 - IoT Geiger Counter

ESPGeiger is compatible with the Cajoe GC-ESP32 (IOT-GM), providing a custom firmware - extending the existing functionality with all of the additional features of ESPGeiger.

The Cajoe GC-ESP32 has a inbuilt ESP32 to which ESPGeiger can be installed. The ESP32 does not have a function in the running of the Cajoe geiger counter, this is very similar to a classic Cajoe counter, with the main counter circuit being independent from the ESP32.


Please ensure you take a back up of the original firmware from the Cajoe GC-ESP32 in case you want to restore the original firmware.


User Images


Cajoe GC-ESP32
Image credit: shyrwall