Serial Counters

ESPGeiger supports a variety of Geiger counters that communicate via serial interfaces.

Supported Counters

A list of currently supported serial Geiger counters can be found below

Counter Image Serial Rate Serial Example Notes
MightyOhm Kit MightyOhm 9600 CPS, ####, CPM, ####, uSv/hr, #.##, [INST/FAST/SLOW]\n Serial Info
NetIO GC10 NetIO GC10 9600 60\n Forum Serial Info
NetIO GC10next NetIO GC10next 115200 60\n  

Unsupported Counters

ESPGeiger may also function with additional serial Geiger counters that are not explicitly listed. These counters are considered theoretically compatible based on their communication protocols. However, due to limited resources, formal testing hasn’t been possible.

Additional counters can be added easily within the codebase, if you own or can offer a device for testing and support, please get in touch.

Other Serial Counters

At present the GQ Geiger Counter range of counters is unsupported due to the lack of access to a device.

The information regarding the CQ protocol can be found here -

  • GMC-300 Plus V4.xx
  • GMC-320