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ESPGeigerHW board

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ESPGeigerHW is a fully featured, WiFi connected Geiger Counter powered by ESPGeiger.


This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT, DEMONSTRATION, OR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY and is not considered to be a finished end-product fit for general consumer use. Persons handling the product(s) must have electronics training and observe good engineering practice standards. As such, the goods being provided are not intended to be complete in terms of required design-, marketing-, and/or manufacturing-related protective considerations, including product safety and environmental measures typically found in end products that incorporate such semiconductor components or circuit boards.


  • ESP8266 MCU based Geiger Counter
  • Compatible with various Geiger-Muller tubes
  • 5V power requirements
  • On-board High Voltage boost circuit
  • High Voltage circuit adjustment and feedback
  • OLED display (SSD1305 0.96-inch 128x64)
  • Integrated status LEDs and audio feedback
  • Open Source firmware

Technical Specification

  • Supply Voltage: 5V DC
  • Supply Current: 130mA with WiFi at background
  • 2.4GHz WiFi

Technical Notes

  • Please use a reliable 5V DC supply. Whilst the overall power requirement is low, a stable 5V is required for the High Voltage circuit.

A project box or enclosure is highly suggested. Do not to touch any conductive region to the right of, or below, the OLED display when the Geiger tube is powered ON. An enclosure is not absolutely necessary, but if you choose not use an enclosure, remember to be extra careful with the high voltage regions.

Compatible Geiger Muller Tubes

The ESPGeigerHW Geiger counter supports a number of different Geiger Muller Tubes. The hardware features adjustable mounting positions for tubes with the following lengths:

  • Position 1 (removable tab): 85mm - 95mm ± 2.0
  • Position 2: 100mm - 110mm ± 2.0
  • Position 3: 110 - 115mm ± 2.0

The board also has additional jumpers for connecting tubes that aren’t directly mountable.

The high-voltage circuit is tested reliable for tubes requiring up to 400V operation.

The following commonly available tubes are known to be compatible with the ESPGeigerHW Geiger counter

Tube Name Length Operating Voltage Suggested Ratios Notes
SBM-20 (СБМ-20) 108 ± 3.5 400V 158 / 175  
SBM-19 (СБМ-19) 195mm 400V 666 / 928 External connection
SBM-21 (СБМ-21) 108 ± 3.5 400V 21 External Connection
STS-5 (CTC-5) 111mm 390-400V 150 / 175  
SI22G (СИ22Г) 220mm 390-400V 583 / 729 External connection
J305 105mm 400V 123.0 Discussion
J305 90mm 400V -  
J321 86mm 400V - may fit
M4011 90mm 400V -  
ROBOTRON 70 013 163mm 500V 600 / 0.001667 External connection

Tube References

Possibly Compatible

The following tubes should also be compatible but are currently untested

Example Setups


ESPGeigerHW + SBM-20


ESPGeigerHW + STS 5

J305 - 105mm

ESPGeigerHW + J305


The hardware circuit is inspired by this article from January 2004 at Nuts and Volts Magazine and a number of other counters based around the same design.

Mentions also go to Jeff Keyzer and for general inspiration.

Special thanks goes to the following people for the help and advice during development of the hardware.